We must admit the past few years haven’t gone too smoothly; we’ve all been distracted with work, burdened with exhaustion, and have experienced hiccups. Naturally, most want to eliminate negative energies and ensure our upcoming year is as charming and enjoyable as a dream.
You don’t have to dream big to accomplish this; pick up a few new habits like these, and you’ll have a great year:
Remember writing an embarrassing story or a funny anecdote with a glitter pen in a diary when you were a kid? Journaling is the grown-up version of a journal; it’s much more mature and enables creativity at a time when least would expect it.
Journaling isn’t just noting observations in a notebook; this little activity requires patience, thoughtfulness, and creativity, so it transforms us into a better version without realizing it.
Sugar cut
We know asking you to cut down your sugar intake is an overreaction. But it’s time we take serious action, especially since most of us know sugar is one of our least healthiest foods. This is non-negotiable.
You can gradually reduce sugar; take 1 ½ teaspoons with tea/coffee instead of 2, and progressively move to 1. You don’t have to cut off sugar completely; just enough that you’re able to be as healthy as possible.
Step count
Let’s admit it: exercising isn’t most people’s strongest suit, so anything related to it freaks them out. But if you’re hoping for change, try walking a few miles daily. You can begin with smaller goals (1000 steps daily) and work your way up.
A healthy step count encourages exercise and keeps our body in shape even when not working out extensively. It improves circulation, aids digestion, and boosts metabolism. A simple change like this can prove effective, even decades later.
Digital detox
We’re all a little addicted to social media, so giving it up ultimately might not be possible. However, you can set a limit to its use; detox or cleanse yourself from all digital activities every week to encourage mental well-being.
As we said, you don’t need to give up on screen time altogether. However, you can work toward using it for an hour or so on weekdays and allocate most of the time spent on other, more productive activities.
20-20-20 rule
We tend to ignore the doctor's advice, but you should follow this rule. The 20-20-20 rule is simple: rest your eyes at something twenty feet apart for twenty minutes after every twenty minutes you spend looking at a screen.
Screens can tire our eyes out, so the 20-20-20 rule allows your eyes to take a break. This simple activity may not produce immediate results, but you’ll gradually notice an improvement in sleep, work performance, and overall mental well-being.
Budget review
Not all of us are smart with our finances. The entire world is suffering from an insufferable inflation. Naturally, we all want to save and budget, but it seems challenging.
Well, you only need to review your budget whenever you have the time. Pick out all the purchases you could have gone without, and focus on what you need to quit. It’ll take a while, but you’ll gradually become a master budgeter.
Regular declutter
Most of us don’t notice our house cluttering until we start spring cleaning. Decluttering the entire house suddenly is impossible and exhausting, so the best strategy would be to do it daily.
You don’t even need to spend the entire day decluttering; spend 10-15 minutes inspecting your house and picking out the things you won’t need. It’s hard to let go initially, but you’ll gradually reach a neater and decluttered place.
Being kind
We all forget how important it is to be kind. While it’s easy to convey hatred, kindness and gratitude are much more complex, so it’s the perfect habit to pick up in the upcoming year.
It’s not just others you should be kind to; we all need to be kind to ourselves and remember we’re all humans. It’s natural to feel upset or even enraged, but what truly matters is how we handle things for others and ourselves.
It’s equally important to be critical of yourself. We don’t mean to view everything you’ve ever done negatively, but focus on your actions and try to recognize unhealthy patterns and behaviors so you can have a better year.
Walk yourself through your day and focus on what could be improved. You don’t have to change immediately, but it’ll gradually become part of your progress. Self-reflection allows you to become a healthier and happier version.
Daily meditation
This might sound cliche, but doing yoga or meditating daily is one of the best ways to relax and give your body the rest it deserves. Not everyone might find the time, but even 5 minutes on a yoga mat will do wonders.
Yoga improves circulation, encourages healthy habits, and connects us to Mother Nature. You can focus on daily aspirations and areas of improvement while meditating, so you can multitask without even trying.
It’s essential to engage in small acts of self-therapy, doing things you love to give your mind and body relief. Self-therapy may not show you the professional insight regular therapy does, but it drastically improves your mood.
You’ll need to learn how to manage your emotions to practice self-therapy. You can light a candle, read a book, watch a favorite video, or even nap for a bit to take control; once accomplished, you can heal yourself from minor issues.
Cutting ties
We all want a happy life, but our values may not always align with others. Most of us bear negative remarks and leering insults from people we consider our loved ones; almost all are too nervous to fight back.
This year, focus on putting a stop to hurtful shenanigans. Cut ties with anyone who purposely hurts and demeans you, and focus on your own life. It’s also important to learn from others so you don’t become mean and hurtful to others.
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This article was first published at Spatula Dessert.
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